India Post Customer Care

If you are not satisfied with the services offered by the Indian postal department, you can lodge a complaint. In general you can file a complaint within in 60 days of the completion of the transaction. Support staff responses to your queries in different number of days based on type of service. Check with the official site of indian post for more details.

How to Lodge a Complaint

There are different ways to file complaint and each one is mentioned below with description below:

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  • At Post office: Visit your nearest India Post branch and ask the clerk for grievance addressable form. Fill out the form and submit it to the branch manager.
  • By sending a mail: You can send a letter/mail to the senior superintendent of the speed post office center where the transaction took place.
  • Online: You can even file a charge against the post office by online filling out a form . You can click here to file a complaint online.
india post

Customer Care Contact Numbers

If you are facing any issues or have any query about your speed post, you can call directly to customer care of India post. The contact numbers are mentioned below.

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CityContact No​Manager ContactEmail id
Ahmedabad1800 2337999079 22860564nsh.ahmedabad
Bangalore080 22867302080 22892045spc.bangalore
Chennai044-22313282, 22313200, 22313201044-22345508nsh.chennai
Delhi1800 119888011 23365480spc.delhi
Hyderabad040 23463925040 23463929spc.hyderabad
Kochi0484 23534860484
Kolkata033 22120476033 22121160spc.kolkata
Mumbai022 26156125022 26156093spc.mumbai
Pune020 26121570020 26121528spc.pune

Note: All the email ids of indian post end with

Tip: Keep all the details safely with you like receipt numbers, registered post tracking number and complaint registration number of your speed post parcel. This will help you in following up with the postal department employees of india post. Always better to keep higher official informed about your problem. They will help you in solving your issues.

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